1300 376 337

Mon-Fri 8AM-4PM


Amantadine contributes to pain relief in dogs  and cats by reducing the development of sensitisation to pain in the central nervous system (e.g. brain and spinal cord).

Why use Amantadine?

Pain can develop due to ‘over-amplification’ of the signals by the nervous system, termed ‘central sensitisation’. Central sensitization is a major component in the development of chronic and neuropathic pain; both of these can be very difficult to treat.

There are several drugs which are used to treat neuropathic pain, but the choice may vary depending on the origin of the pain. The first-choice drug for known nerve damage should be a gabapentinoid (such as gabapentin or pregabalin). This group of drugs is not effective for osteoarthritis pain so the first choice for progressive osteoarthritis pain that in dogs that are otherwise well managed should be amantadine.


Which patients should receive Amantadine?

Amantadine should be considered as part of the initial multimodal therapy for any patient that has moderate to severe chronic pain and as an add-on drug for patients that have worsening chronic pain despite presumably adequate pain control and no worsening of the inciting disease. The first-choice drug treatment for dogs and cats with chronic osteoarthritis pain is usually a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Therapy with an NSAID alone may become ineffective in more advanced osteoarthritis.


What is the dosage for Amantadine?

Because of its mechanism of action, amantadine should be used as part of a multimodal protocol with other pain killers (typically NSAIDs). There is no published clinical evidence of its effectiveness in dogs when used alone. However, in some cases, dogs are intolerant of NSAIDs and amantadine is used alone in these individuals.

The dosage for dogs and cats is 3 to 5 mg/kg orally once to twice daily, with twice daily being preferable. Data from recent studies indicate that twice daily dosing is probably more effective in dogs and cats. To decrease the central sensitization component of chronic pain, treatment duration probably needs to be long; thus, the current minimum recommended duration is 21 days. Long duration therapy may be necessary, and many patients may need amantadine for life.

What are the adverse effects of Amantadine?

Adverse effects or drug interactions in dogs or cats receiving amantadine are uncommon. It is reported that some dogs may develop agitation, vomiting, flatulence, or diarrhoea (which may be watery), particularly in the early days of amantadine therapy. Amantadine can be stopped without a withdrawal period. We recommend blood testing every 6 months when receiving this drug because changes in organ function can affect how well the drug is tolerated.




Compounding is the art and science of preparing customised medications for patients.

Solving dosage problems

Just like their owners, animals are individual and unique. They come in different shapes and sizes, and as a result, not all commercially available medicines are appropriate for every pet. That’s where compounding is especially helpful. In this situation, your veterinarian can prescribe the specific amount of medication that is exactly right for your pet’s size and condition.

Flavoured Medicine

A pet who refuses to take medication because of the taste is a prime opportunity for compounding. Cats don’t like pills, but they do like tuna. Dogs don’t appreciate a traditional solution of medication being squirted into their mouth, but they’ll take it gladly when it’s flavored with meat or part of a tasty biscuit or treat. By working closely with your veterinarian, a compounding pharmacist can prepare medicines in easy-to-give flavored dosage forms that animals happily take.

Commercially Unavailable Medicine

From time to time, a manufacturer may discontinue a veterinary medication. Often this is because it is not needed in the vast quantities necessary to make mass production cost-effective, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still some pets that need it. When that medication has worked well for animals, a compounding pharmacist can prepare a prescription for the discontinued product – and tailor the strength, dosage form, and flavour to that pet’s specific needs.

Products include tablets, capsules, liquids and transdermal gels for a variety of medications. 

We do not compound medicines, however we can organise for a PCCA approved compounding pharmacy to tailor a solution for your pet's individual requirements.

Please email info@discountpetmeds.com.au and make sure to attach your pet's prescription so you may be accurately quoted, or phone us on 1300 376 337.
